Have you been offered your annual flu shot yet? It is that time of year when the flu vaccine gets widely marketed and indiscriminately administered to the public. Even though the CDC is now recommending it for all adults (in addition to children, elderly, and the immune-compromised), there are several reasons you should think twice before taking this “preventative measure”.
First of all, the effectiveness of the vaccine itself is questionable. The flu vaccine has been found to be approximately 35% effective if it contains the correct 3 strains of the influenza virus in a given year. Viral strains are chosen by trying to match the previous year’s flu strains, and don’t account for mutations. When the strains do not match the viral strains that are infecting people, the vaccine has been found to be completely ineffective, as was the case in the 1997-1998 flu season (Edwards, Radical Medicine p 698). A recent study published in the October issue of the Lancet Infectious Diseases (http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/563393) states that the elderly may receive little to no benefit from the annual influenza vaccine. This is most likely due to their aged immune systems which have poor antibody response to the vaccine.
You might also want to consider what else is being injected, as the the vaccine itself contains more that just the viral strains used to confer immunity. It also contains: chick embryos (used to grow the viral material), thimerosol (mercury containing derivative linked with autism in children and Alzheimer’s in the elderly), formaldehyde, polyethlyene glycol, polyscorbate 80, and possible traces of the antibiotic gentamycin. There is no conclusive evidence about the long terms effects of these materials on your health.
Finally, there are also significant clinical data associating vaccinations with a host of serious health conditions: fever, chills, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, Guillian Barre syndrome (immune mediated muscular paralysis), arthritis, Alzheimer’s and autism.
Immunity from the flu vaccine is short-lived; antibody levels begin to decline within months. Permanent immunity is acquired only by fighting off the illness naturally. In a given winter, the influenza virus is only one of numerous viruses we are exposed to that cause contagious respiratory illnesses. Symptoms of the flu usually improve in 2-3 days in healthy individuals. Doctors typically recommend bed rest, and plenty of fluids, and will often prescribe antibiotics for this viral illness. Alternatively, there are a whole host of natural remedies that have proven effects in treating the flu, and prevention is the best medicine. See below for recommendations on how to avoid the flu this winter season without the vaccine.
Flu Prevention – Natural Strategies
- Avoid sugar which dramatically suppresses the immune system
- Eat immune supportive whole foods and avoid processed foods high in refined carbs
- Proper rest – minimum of 8 hours and going to bed before midnight
- Adequate hydration for flushing toxins
- Vitamin C to bowel tolerance. Of the over the counter nutritional remedies, buffered ascorbic acid is one that you can trust.
- Vitamin A – Powerful anti-viral vitamin which can be taken in large doses at first sign of infection. Consult with your naturopathic doctor about this highly effective treatment.
- Drops of hydrogen peroxide in ears. The flu virus is transmitted via the auditory canal, and peroxide is a powerful anti-viral agent. Allow peroxide to remain in canal for 5 minutes and switch sides, repeat 2-3x.